
A Night at the Dinah Washington


I’ll level with you, I’ve put off things like this time and time again, because I don’t know what to expect. Maybe I’m not the kind of person who belongs in galleries. Maybe that’s not my place, but…

Check out this suit of armor! Can you believe that the “metal” part is made out of industrial felt?

I totally touched it to be sure (Shh!).

It’s part of an exhibit at the Dinah Washington Center’s University of Alabama Gallery called, “The Life of a Costume: From Page to Stage.” The work of Donna Meester (Director of Costume Design in the UA Department of Theatre and Dance) is used to guide viewers through all of the intricate steps involved in creating a costume piece.

Donna1Spoiler alert: There is a costume in this exhibit that took 80 hours of work… Don’t let anyone tell you that costume design isn’t an art.

Friday was my first ever visit to the Dinah Washington Cultural Arts Center and it was awesome, because it wasn’t scary. The fear of the unfriendly emptiness and echoing silence usually makes me feel like an imposter and drives me far from galleries and libraries alike, but…

Do yourself a favor and make plans to go! If you are afraid of the silence, like me, then grab a friend and take the journey together. I highly recommend it, it’s free, and it’s only going to be downtown for the next couple weeks. (Until September 25).

Donna3The gallery is located at 620 Greensboro Avenue
Tuscaloosa , AL and is open from 9am-5pm Monday- Friday

Check it out at