
42nd Street: Onstage

We wanted to show everyone how massive of a project 42nd Street really was and still is this week; so we’re collecting stories from the cast and crew! We’d like to give a huge thanks to Chelsea Reynolds today for graciously providing us her 42nd Street experience in blog form!


Here’s how Chelsea described the entire 42nd Street process from the actors end:

I’ve toured a show before, but certainly not with a show the calibre of “42nd Street.” One of the hardest challenges may have been requesting 40 actors to show up anywhere at 7:30am to load into vans to go to Mobile. We actors are like bats- we live in the darkness of the theatre and the nighttime is when we are alive as that is when we rehearse until 10pm. But we, with the crew, made it with coffee and donuts in hand and headed down to Mobile.


Loading in one of the largest sets University of Alabama has built along with over 1,000 costume pieces was a feat, but with so many hands, we had two moving trucks unloaded and in the theatre in under two hours. We then rebuilt the set the crew had just taken completely apart the day before. I donned my jort overalls and went back to my days of summer stock and working in the scene shop in my undergraduate program, grabbed a drill, and went to work reattaching wagons and flats, etc.


Another challenge that accompanied moving this show to Mobile was transitioning from working in the Galloway Theatre to the 2,000 seat house of the Civic Center in Mobile. We spent a whole rehearsal sans costumes and makeup/hair to respace the entire show we’d been working since February 1st. We opened the show Thursday night to a beautifully large audience and I’ll never forget the feeling of standing in the wings during the opening number and hearing the crowd erupt in the middle of it.

I think one of the most rewarding aspects of this show process in particular has been seeing the cast, crew, stage manager, and director adapt a total of three times- first, the in Galloway, second, in Mobile, and third, moving back into the Galloway.

Next time, we’ll hear from the crew of 42nd Street as they tell us about their struggles, successes, and hilarity over the course of the show! Check back in soon, y’all!

In the meantime, if you want to know more about 42nd Street, check out the productions page on our site here, go to, or search #42ndStreet and @UATheatreDance on Twitter and Facebook! We’re always in the mood to hear from our fantastic fans, friends, and patrons!