
“Dance Alabama!”: The UA Tradition

Dance Alabama is almost upon us! So, to kick things off right, we’re going to giving you a different look at Dance Alabama! on our blog all week! We’ll be giving you profiles of some of your DA! Choreographers through out the week, in addition to other neat little tidbits spread throughout social media! But, for today though, we wanted to give you a different perspective on DA!, and showcase some interesting facts that you may not have known!

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Did you know that anyone can be a member of Dance Alabama? That’s right, all you need is a love for dance, desire to make friends, and you too can be a member! DA! is actually a student group on campus, in addition to being the name of each semester’s production.

Kind of confusing, huh? Let’s break it down for you!

To participate in Dance Alabama!, the show that occurs every semester, all you have to do is audition. Same goes if you want to choreograph a dance for the showcase.

To be a member of Dance Alabama!, you can signup at, or talk to one of the many Dance Alabama members spread throughout campus, and get plugged in. You don’t have to be a dance major, minor, or any other kind of student. All you need is a love for dance and a desire to be a part of a great UA tradition.

DA Kung Fu

Dance Alabama! has been a long-standing part of UA campus life, so much so that it is continually referred to as one of the top 10 things to see on campus before graduation. Dance Alabama not only manages to impress with the artistic sensibilities of the dancers on stage, but the skills of students behind the scenes as well.

Every aspect of Dance Alabama! is student produced and run; from the lights and sounds, to costumes and dances themselves. DA! is a true showcase of what it means to be Alabama, with students of all races, genders, creeds, skills, and ideals coming together as one to show the rest of us something amazing. It just so happens they do it on the stage, not on the field.


Dance Alabama starts tonight, Tuesday, November 5th at 7:30 PM with shows on Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30, and a final show Friday at 5:30. Tickets can be purchased at the box office in Rowand-Johnson Hall from 12-5, online at, or an hour before the show in Morgan Hall.

We hope to see you there, and stay tuned for more DA! magic!